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To read our white paper on Systematic Analysis click here or please read on. The Power of our Peers was founded on the basic principle that collectively our peers possess the ability to more accurately predict stock performance and outperform the S&P 500. Other financial information sources, such as typical brokerage has an analyst that says stock "x" is a good buy and lists the reasons, mostly fundamentals, some sector analysis, and potentially some technical analysis. Then the brokers at the firm take the information from the in-house analyst and tell it to their clients who buy the stock. The stock goes up. We approach it from the reverse, we get thousands of people who believe a stock is a buy (or sell) and report on their expectations and likely behavior. These thousands of investors then call it into to their brokers or execute the trade themselves online and the stock goes up. So would you rather have one man's opinion in New York driving a stock through their brokers (where you find out last) or would you rather have thousands of people who invest in stocks driving it from their inherent and core beliefs. To provide an example, the Seattle Times has conducted a yearly contest since 1990, where their readers are asked to predict the ten stocks they believe will increase in value in the coming year. When compared with the results from a random selection of stocks and to the major U.S. stock indices, the reader's picks have accomplished stunning results over the past nine years. They outperformed the random stock picks 6-to-1 and the S&P; 500 3-to-1. Assuming an investor started with a $100,000 investment in 1990, the chart below illustrates these astonishing results.
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