Compliance Disclosures

Section 17(b) of the Securities Act prohibits any person from publishing, giving publicity to, or circulating any communication which describes a security for a consideration received or to be received, directly or indirectly, from an issuer, underwriter or dealer, without disclosing the receipt of such consideration and the amount thereof. Securities Act of 1933, Section 17b, 15 U.S.C. � 77q(b). To guarantee compliance, we disclose all compensation regardless of whether it was from an issuer, underwriter, dealer or unrelated party.

Considerations Received

03/10/14OTCQB: RIHTPriority Partners, Ltd.$500,000.00Received

Security Holdings

As an organization, we do not trade or hold any public securities of any kind.

We are not aware of any employees, contractors, directors, officers, affiliates and/or associates who hold any beneficial interest in the above mentioned securities.

We are not privy to the security holdings of any third-party payers.